STSTC designs and manufactures complete solutions for STCW training and certification. STSTC technologies/products are all in-house developed and our electronic interfaces are manufactured in Singapore to the highest industrial standards of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation and under guidance of Association Singapore Marine Industries.
- physical realism based on realistic hardware replica of the equipment;
- seamless integration between simulators as all software and hardware are in-house developed;
- product compliance to latest DNV performance standards (DNV-ST-0033 August 2023);
- modular architecture provides flexibility in multifunctional configuration;
- product reliability and economical long term efficacy;
- customer’s focused policies, free of charge software upgrades;
- quality proved by 10+ years presence on the market;
Navigation Simulators:
- Full-Mission Bridge Simulator
- Steering Simulator
- ARPA/Radar Simulator
- ECDIS Simulator
- Offshore Dynamic Positioning Simulator